Canvas is a connection game which bears a slight resemblance to the game of Amazons. Canvas is played on a base 7 hex hex with its edges colored to designate ownership of the sides.
Objective: The objective of Canvas is to create a chain of your own stones and painters connecting your two opposite sides of the board Gameplay: Starting with white, players alternate moving their painters and placing stones.
On a player's turn he may move a painter in a straight line in any of the 6 directions any number of spaces. When the painter has finished moving, the player must either place a stone of his color on an adjacent space to the painter or he may transmit the stone to any space adjacent to a contiguous chain of stones of his own color (not other painters of the same color) that the painter touches. Painters may move over any number of stones of either color but may not land on a space occupied by a stone. Painters are not permitted to move over each other. Moving a painter is not mandatory but placing a stone is. A player cannot divide the moving and placing phases between two painters. A player must pass if he has no legal moves on his turn. The pie rule is used to make the game fair.